Poppy Wilde and the Wild Thing Page 6
“I’m so sorry.” Poppy said, her voice barely a whisper.
“You’re sorry? What for? You didn’t fall on purpose. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you in time, and I’m so sorry you fell, and that you’re hurt and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Ari said, coming to her bedside. He bent over and kissed her gently on the lips.
Poppy smiled, but winced in pain as the scrapes on her cheeks and nose hurt, and stopped.
“You just rest dear girl, and tomorrow we will take you home with us, and I’ll make you some of my special soup. It will set you right as rain in no time!” Avianna said, smiling and gently squeezed Poppy’s hand.
“Thank you.” Poppy said and fell asleep.
Chapter 20
Ari took his mother back home after that and she gathered a change of clothes for Poppy to wear the next day, while he trekked back up the mountain to gather their things. She wasn’t sure what to send, but finally settled on what she thought would be most comfortable, a loose cotton, short sleeved, ankle length, tie-dyed dress in rainbow colors, a pair of flip flops and, from a brand new pack, she sent a pair of cotton panties and a brand new bandeau bra she had just purchased. Ari galloped onto the porch and transformed from his deer form into his human form about the time Avianna had finished packing the overnight bag for Poppy.
“Thanks Mom.” Ari said, taking the bag from his Mother.
“You’re welcome Son, and don’t worry about disobeying me this time. I would have done the same in your shoes. Just don’t disobey me again. I mean it, the last thing we need is for you to wind up shot.” Avianna warned.
“I understand.” Ari said, and walked back to his cabin to spend a restless night, waiting for morning when he could go back to the hospital for Poppy. He kept his cell close and had left his number with the nurse just in case she needed him during the night before he left. He wished he could have stayed with her, but the nurse was adamant; she would only sleep and he needed his rest too.
“You will need your rest for the coming days of taking care of her. Go on home and get some proper rest, and she will be back with you before you know it.” She had said.
Ari thought the short, husky, middle-aged brunette nurse had been nice as far as nurses went, and so he had done as she said, taking his Mother home and trying to get some rest himself.
Ari woke with a start the moment the sun rose, and was out the door, his mother’s care bag in tow, before there was much of any sign of life in the sleepy town. He wanted to be there the moment Poppy woke up. He pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked, took the bag of food and tray of coffee, and grabbed the bag his Mom had packed her and headed up to her room on the second floor. He would have made it too, had it not been for her nurse beating him to the door before he could get there. She had woken Poppy up, knocking on her door and Ari silently cursed the young, slim, red head.
“Morning, I brought you breakfast and coffee.” Ari said, setting the bag of food and tray down.
“Mmm smells heavenly, I’m starved.” Poppy replied, but had to wait until the nurse was done before she could eat. He had brought her a steak, egg, and cheese griddle sandwich and hash browns with a hot caramel coffee and it tasted like heaven going down. “Oh my God this is good! Thank you so much!” Poppy said, eating and drinking with gusto.
“You are welcome, my Love. You look better than you did last night; you about had me scared to death.” Ari said, looking her over; satisfied she seemed ok.
“It was mostly the drugs. The doctor said I’m fine, just got to take it easy for a bit.” Poppy replied. “What’s in the bag?” she asked curiously.
“Oh Mom packed you a change of clothes to wear back to our place, since I didn’t know where you lived to get some of your things. They had to cut your clothes off you last night to checked for broken bones and what not.” Ari replied gently, laying the bag up on the bed where she could get into it.
Poppy sat looking at him for a brief long moment before replying with a big smile “That was really thoughtful of her.”
“She thinks a lot of you Poppy…and so do I.” Ari admitted, looking deeply into Poppy’s eyes. He hadn’t said he loved her, but he meant it. He thought it was too soon to say “I love you”, so he had chosen to say he cared a lot about her instead. He wanted her to know when he said it, that he meant it, and he felt if he said it too soon, that she wouldn’t take him seriously.
“I think a lot of you, too.” Poppy said, blushing and smiling. She was happy he hadn’t said he loved her; it was too soon for that, but she was happy to know that he thought a lot of her, it was almost as good as him saying he loved her.
A knock came at the door then, interrupting their moment. “I see you’re up this morning, and seem to be doing fine. Your vitals look good and you’re eating and drinking ok. Do you remember what happened to you yesterday?” The distinguished older doctor asked Poppy, coming into the room.
“I fell down the mountain while we were hiking.” Poppy answered.
“That’s good, very good. Well, I see no lasting problems, other than the bump on your head and the small lacerations and bruises you’ve obtained from the fall. I’ll get started on the discharge papers, but you will need someone to help take care of you over the next several days. I’m assuming this gentleman here is eager for the job?” The doctor asked, turning to Ari.
“Oh yes, Doctor, I’m ready and willing.” Ari said, and saluted the doctor.
“Good, then go ahead and get dressed. I’ll send a nurse in to help unhook you from the machines, and we will have you out of here before you know it.” The doctor said and turned and left, shutting the door behind him.
It wasn’t long before another knock came at the door; this time it was the redheaded nurse from before, coming to remove the I.V., oxygen reader, and blood pressure cuff that had been hooked up to her. She made short work of unhooking her, and left with a smile, saying she would be back with the discharge orders shortly.
Ari helped Poppy to dress, carefully pulling the bra over her head and helping her into her panties then holding onto her while she slid them into place. Then he helped her slide the long dress over her head and down her body. Once she was dressed, he knelt down and slid the flip flops onto her feet. It was while he was kneeling down that she spoke.
“I had the strangest dream about you.” Poppy started.
“Oh yeah?” Ari asked, halting what he was doing briefly. Fear raced through him.
“Yeah, I dreamt a giant, hairy monkey man carried me down the mountain.” Poppy said, laughing. “But I know it had to be you, because how else did I get off that mountain and into your living room?”
“Yeah, how else?” He asked, and slid her other flip flop on.
“I mean, it’s not like you changed into a large, blonde gorilla and carried me off the mountain.” Poppy said, laughing some more. “I must have really been out of it”, she added.
Ari had been afraid she would come to and see him in his true form, but hadn’t known she had until now. He found he couldn’t lie to her, but he couldn’t tell her the truth- not now, not in this hospital, and not after she had just had a head injury. Ari stood up and turned his back to her, throwing the trash away from breakfast and, about the time he was going to turn around to tell her they needed to talk, the nurse walked back in and saved him. Where he had silently cursed her before, he silently thanked her now.
“All done, here are your walking orders and a prescription for some pain medication. If you start having any of the issues listed on these, just come back and see us. Otherwise, follow Doctors’ orders and rest over the next few days. Take it easy getting up and down and walking, as you can become dizzy.” The nurse explained. Then she gave Poppy a last dose of pain medication to help with the soreness to help her get home.
“Ok, thank you, and please, thank the Doctor for me.” Poppy said, and took Ari’s arm to stand after taking the medication.
“Wait there just a minute. Every patient gets a VIP ride in the wheelc
hair out to their car.” The nurse said playfully, and went to the hallway to get the wheelchair she had parked just outside the doorway. She helped Poppy into the wheelchair and, once she was all set, wheeled her down the hall to the elevators.
“I’ll go get the truck.” Ari said once they got off the elevator, and left them at the doors to the hospital while he went to get the truck. He pulled up to the front doors where the nurse had pushed Poppy out to meet him. He took the empty bag from Poppy and slung it into the back seat of the truck. Poppy stood and, when she tried to get into the truck, Ari scooped her up as if she weighed nothing and gently set her in the front seat, hooking her seatbelt and shutting the door.
“Thank you handsome,” Poppy said to his helping her, trying not to wince too much.
“You’re welcome, beautiful.” Ari responded and went around the truck to get in to the driver’s side.
Once they were on the road and heading towards town, she gave him directions to her house. When they got there, he helped her back down out of the truck and into her door, via the hidden key she had placed under a large rock behind the bush out front. Then, as she called up to him, he retrieved the clothes she asked for while she gathered her bathroom supplies. Seeing her computer reminded her that she didn’t know what had happened to her camera.
“Did you, by chance, carry down my camera too?” Poppy asked, grimacing for the answer.
“Yeah, I walked back up last night and got it. It’s back at the house.” Ari explained from the loft, packing the last of her things in a bag he had found in her closet.
“Oh thank you, you’re a life saver!” Poppy said, relieved that her camera was probably ok. She packed her laptop in her laptop bag and was ready about the time that Ari came downstairs.
“Ready to go?” Ari asked, taking the bag from her.
“Yup, all ready.” Poppy replied.
They stashed her key back in the hiding spot Poppy had kept it in and, once he had placed her bags in the backseat, he gently lifted her back into the truck.
“You know, I can probably get in on my own.” Poppy said, smiling down at him. It was so sweet that he wanted to help her in and out of the truck, but she was still very sore, even with the meds that the nurse had given her.
“I know, but why risk it? Besides, I like helping you.” Ari said, and kissed her.
They drove in comfortable silence, holding hands all the way to Ari’s house.
Poppy knew he was keeping something from her, but she wasn’t going to push him to tell her what it was. She thought she knew what it was, but couldn’t be sure. And if it seemed crazy to her, it had to feel crazy to tell someone else. Instead, she would be patient and give him time and see if he came to tell her on his own. If by the time she was healed he hadn’t told her, she would try again to get him to tell her. She could only imagine it wasn’t something easy to talk about; that is, if she was right. Otherwise, she was the one who was having crazy ideas, and she owed him an apology.
Chapter 21
When they got to Ari’s, his Mother had a pot of homemade soup waiting for them.
“I’ll get your things while Ari helps you inside, Honey.” Avianna said, reaching into the back and gathering her bags to bring inside.
Ari picked Poppy up and carried her over the threshold of his home and sat her on his couch. He took a crocheted blanket his Mother had made and laid it over her and set pillows behind her back, getting her comfortable.
“There, all set.” Ari said, and kissed her on the forehead gently.
“Thank you.” Poppy said, blushing at his display of affection in front of his Mother.
“I’ll just put these in your room, Ari. Why don’t you get her something to drink and a bowl of my soup while I put these away?” Avianna said, unabashed by her sons kissing his woman in front of her.
“Sure thing Mom” Ari said, and winked at Poppy, going to do his Mother’s bidding.
He returned just a few moments later with tall glass of milk and a bowl of soup that smelled spicy and made Poppy’s mouth water.
“You will need this” Ari said, setting her milk on the coffee table, and pushed it close enough for her to reach it. “Moms enchilada soup has a bite. It’s the jalapenos.” He explained and handed her the bowl of spicy soup.
Poppy took a tentative first bite and made a sound that made Ari jealous.
“This is really good! Thank you Avianna!” Poppy called out.
“You’re welcome!” came a response from deep in Ari’s room.
“Go get yourself a bowl, don’t wait on me!” Poppy commanded and pushed at Ari to go.
“Ok, ok, geez, I’ll go.” Ari said playfully.
They ate, laughing and talking, until Avianna joined them; and then they spent time getting to know one another a little better. Poppy thanked her for the clothes and promised to return them. Near nightfall, Avianna took a bowl of soup to have for dinner and headed home, leaving Poppy and Ari alone.
“So, what do you want to do now?” Ari asked.
“I think I need some rest.” Poppy answered with a yawn.
Ari helped her to walk to his bedroom, and helped her change into a soft cotton and lace nightgown with embroidery around the top and bottom where the lace attached, making it fall to her knees. Then he tucked her into his bed.
Next, he removed his own clothes and put on a pair of loose fitting shorts and crawled into bed with her.
They lay holding one another until they drifted off into a deep sleep.
Poppy dreamed that she was in the woods. It was dark out, and there was a light fog everywhere, and she was alone. She began walking through the woods, trying to find her way out when she came face to face with big foot. He was big, and had blonde hair and almost human features. She stood watching him, and he watching her, neither of them moving. She was unafraid and took a step toward it, but it turned and ran, leaving her in the woods alone again.
Ari dreamt that he was out in the woods in his true form when he came upon Poppy, standing alone in the forest. She was unafraid of him, but didn’t move towards him either. He woke in a sweat and found Poppy sleeping softly beside him. He lay awake for a while after that, unable to go back to sleep, and wondered how he would ever tell her what he was. He knew he had to, if he wanted to marry her, but he was having trouble finding the right words, and the right time. Nothing and never always seemed to be in his way! Eventually, he drifted back off into a deep sleep with nothing and never still in his way.
Chapter 22
“Do you have any books about sasquatches?” Poppy asked the next morning.
Ari nearly had a heart attack as he choked on his eggs. “Excuse me?” he asked.
“I said, do you have any books on sasquatches? I had this amazing dream about one, and now I’ve got a hankering to know more about them.” Poppy explained calmly, and watched for his reaction.
“Um, no. You know, I don’t think there have been too many books made about them.” Ari replied, trying to keep his composure.
“Hmm. Well, I suppose I’ll just have to look online and see what I can find. That is, unless you know something about them you might would like to share.” Poppy asked, taking another bite of her eggs.
“Nope” Ari hesitated. He knew he should tell her, but it didn’t feel right. Besides, he still didn’t know what he was going to say. So he simply said no; this way he wasn’t technically lying to her, he was just omitting a few details… ok, he was lying, but he didn’t know what else to do. He knew what his Mother would say, but he wanted to hear her say, and say to her,”I love you” before he told her. Otherwise, it could all end in disaster, and even those three little words were no guarantees.
Poppy didn’t push anymore; he obviously didn’t want to tell her, but she felt she was on the right track. He had acted really odd, nearly choking on his eggs, and then taking a bit too long to answer her. All signs of a man with a secret he was hiding.
Poppy set up shop on the sofa after breakfast and popp
ed open her laptop while Ari went to take a shower. She typed in big foot in the search engine, and was rewarded with multiple sites about the elusive big foot. Most of them, she quickly discovered, were hokey and not worth looking at again, but a few had supposed pictures of them and stories of encounters, with helpful maps of areas they had supposedly been sighted in. She was just about to click on the map when Ari came out of his bedroom.
“Find anything interesting?” Ari asked coyly, curious as to what she might have found. Knowing full well there wouldn’t be much truth on the internet, besides the occasional picture and tales of encounters.
“You know, you just can’t trust the internet these days. I mean, some of it sounded legit, but most of it just sounded hokey, ya know?” Poppy responded.
“Yeah, I do.” Ari replied, relieved with her answer for the time being. “How about a bath?” he asked her. “I ran one in my soaking tub. I thought you might enjoy a long soak.” He offered.
“That does sound nice. I’ll just go and take a soak then.” Poppy said and stood up, feeling fine one minute and dizzy as hell the next. Thankfully, Ari was there to catch her before she fell.
“How about I help you in?” Ari offered, and helped her down the hallway. He helped her undress and held her hand as she climbed into the big claw foot tub, full of hot, steamy water and bubbles.
“Take bubble baths often?” Poppy asked teasingly.
“Only once in a while; I keep it mostly for the ladies.” Ari replied, puffing out his chest and flexing his muscles playfully.
Poppy laughed and splashed water at him. “I’ve got to admit I wanted to take a dip in this tub from the first moment I saw it.” she admitted bashfully.
“Well, I’m glad I could indulge you.” he said. Carefully, he unwrapped her head and checked her wound for infection; seeing it was healing nicely, he smiled and tossed the bandages in the trash. “No need for these anymore. According to the doctor, they could come off today as long as it was healing nicely, and it is. I meant to ask, do I need to call anyone for you; let them know how you are.” Ari asked, gently squeezing a sponge over her neck and shoulders.